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International Charities, Organisations and Support for TFMR Parents

Updated: Jun 22, 2021

The below list has been put together by other TFMR Mamas. There are UK/IRELAND, USA, CANADA & Australia blogs being posted over the next 2 weeks for country specific help and support. If there is anything you would like to add to this International list then please email me HERE

All our love Emma and Emma xxx

TFMR Mamas - @tfmrmamas

TFMR Mamas provides Support Groups to TFMR Mamas. Hosting Free monthly support groups for TFMR Mamas and also a Free monthly group for TFMR Mamas & Papas. There is also a private support group on Facebook for TFMR Mamas and also dedicated Weekly support groups in intimate groups of 6 TFMR Mamas with tools and support to process our feelings, emotions, triggers and grief of losing our precious babies to TFMR, Termination for medical Reasons. You will find daily posts on social media pages that will help to normalise and humanise the very real and raw emotions that are felt when losing your baby to TFMR.

Arc Antenatal Results and Choices Forum @arcantenatal

While ARC is a UK based charity, parents outside of the uk who have lost their baby through TFMR can join their online forum for TFMR support*. It is staff moderated and password protected. Bereaved parents have a safe space to share their stories & read others.

Email arc on for more information

*Parents outside the UK are required to pay a yearly membership of £15 for Europe or £25 for Rest of the world

Time to Talk TFMR (PODCAST) @timetotalktfmr

Time to Talk TFMR podcast helps women who are or have faced TFMR. They discuss all different topics around TFMR & invite Guests on to share their experiences

Terminations Remembered @terminationsremembered

A Space created to find support for TFMR and honour our babies

HER Foundation @hgmoms

A Global voice for HG, Hyperemesis Gravidarum, awareness, support and research. They offer Peer support as well as an Online Forum.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum Loss @HyperemesisGravidarumLoss

Peer Support Group for Mums who have suffered Baby loss due to Hyperemesis Gravidarum run by two Baby loss Mums themselves they aim to provide non medical support to those who need it by listening & sharing experiences

RTZHope @rtzhope

Starting the 5 of May 2021 RTZHope will hold virtual support groups for bereaved parents.

Saying Goodbye @sayinggoodbye_charity

As well as offering support through befrienders and helping you find a counsellor in your area to suit you Saying Goodbye hold Remembrance Services across the world & online for Parents who have lost their babies recently or years and years ago.

The Butterfly Project @butterfly_project_rwl

An application which you can download on your smartphone which was set up to help support the baby loss community prior to delivery through mindfulness & relaxation. Available currently on the Google Play Store & Web Version. Coming soon for Iphone users.

This blog was compiled and produced by Emma Stevenson the Mama of Baby riley


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