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Anonymous TFMR Mama
Feb 28, 20245 min read
TFMR- T21 with enlarged kidneys and bladder
Feb 2020 I am a Program Manager who is lucky enough to have a good job, own a house, I am married to a wonderful man, and I am a mother...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Feb 21, 20247 min read
What to say vs What not to say
Whether you are here because you yourself have been privy to some amazing and not-so-amazing comments regarding your loss or because you...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Feb 13, 20244 min read
Journey Through Multiple Pregnancy Losses
My name is Carmen and I am a nurse, a yoga instructor, a farmer, and a writer. I am also the mother of three beautiful children. However,...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Feb 7, 20244 min read
How do we keep going when we are having our toughest days?
Oh mama i am so sorry you are here and that you are having one of "those moments"..these moments can come at any time..for some it may be...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Jan 29, 20242 min read
TFMR, Termination for Medical Reasons, Anencephaly- Baby Bennett
"I spent the next hour alone in a room sobbing and praying to just wake up from this nightmare." My name is Victoria, and my husband Brad...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Jan 19, 20242 min read
A letter to my former self when I was being faced with Termination for medical reasons.
If I could write a letter to myself after getting bad news at my anomaly scan facing into my TFMR here is what I would say:- Oh poor...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Sep 26, 20234 min read
Termination For Medical Reasons- T21 with physical anomalies
I was 16 weeks when we received warning bells for a genetic disorder. It was an early anatomy scan but late for genetic testing as they...

Sara A, TFMR Mama to Grace
Sep 20, 20239 min read
Termination for Medical Reasons - T21 Grace's Story
"There is no good option. My heart was going to be torn out of my chest no matter what happened" My husband and I planned for her - she...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Sep 15, 20231 min read
A poem For Elijah on his due date
In honour of Elijah, we are publishing this poem from his Mama For Elijah In a perfect world You’d be in my arms Aching back from...

Courtney Hiller, TFMR Mama to Luca
Sep 13, 20235 min read
TFMR, Termination for medical reasons - Neural tube defect, Spina Bifida, Chiari Malformation
Going through baby loss is one of the most difficult things parents can go through- but what is not often as mentioned is how one goes on...

Emma Belle, TFMR Mama to Baby Willow
Sep 7, 20232 min read
TFMR 100 Challenge - 100 families, each raising £100, in 100 days.
Ellie's gift app & TFMR mamas are coming together to raise funds to develop a tfmr specific area within the Ellie's Gift app and to...

Nicole Orlay, TFMR Mama to Baby Kane
Sep 6, 20234 min read
Termination for Medical Reasons- Omphalocele - Baby Warrior Kane
"Our lives and identities are unequivocally altered and reduced to “before” and “after.” We were married less than two years when we...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Aug 1, 20235 min read
Termination For Medical Reasons - Dandy Walker Malformation
Grey Diagnosis: Dandy-Walker is rare. Even more rare to present as ours did, a true genetic fluke not associated with the X chromosome or...

Kate Joyce-Delapp
Jun 27, 20235 min read
Termination for medical reasons -Twins- one healthy baby and one poorly baby.
" The day that will be etched in my heart forever. The day that I felt a type of pain that I would not wish on anyone. The day the floor...

Emma Belle, TFMR Mama to Baby Willow
Jun 21, 20231 min read
TFMR, Baby loss and Grief safe meditations
Before going through my own TFMR loss with my daughter Willow, I loved meditating and mindfulness and it used to help me so much with...

Emma Belle, TFMR Mama to Baby Willow
Jun 21, 20233 min read
Suicide and mental health support
Going through TFMR baby loss can push us to thoughts of no longer wanting to be here, wanting our life as we know it to stop or feeling...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Jun 15, 20232 min read
A poem for you - The pain of silence
A poem for you-the pain of silence The pain and sadness of our loss never leaves my side, Hard to know how to deal with this grief when...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Jun 13, 20235 min read
TFMR-Termination for medical reasons T21 diagnosis with a severe heart defect
Dedicated to Sweet Baby Madelyn Rose on her due date June 14, 2023 My husband and I were in the midst of wedding and honeymoon planning....

Julie Barnay - A TFMR Mama
Oct 5, 20222 min read
TFMR - Termination for Cri du Chat syndrome and Potoki-Lupsik syndrome
"I made the 'decision' to have a termination for medical reasons at 26 weeks. It was the hardest and most heartbreaking decision I’ve...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Mar 17, 20223 min read
Termination for Medical Reasons - Baby Mia
"I remember crying as we came close to the end of our journey, I was crouched in the shower and all I could think of was how much I...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Mar 7, 20223 min read
TFMR - Termination for medical reasons, T-18, Edwards Syndrome - Baby Avery
On Sunday 3rd January 2021, I lost the love of my life, my precious baby, my boy Avery. I found out I was pregnant October 2020 (first...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Mar 4, 20225 min read
TFMR - Termination for medical Reasons T-21, Baby Rosina.
"We made the heartbreaking decision not to continue this desperately wanted pregnancy... a decision no parent dreams they will ever have...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Feb 21, 20226 min read
TFMR - Severe Ventriculomegaly, Aqueductal Stenosis, and Rhomboencephalosynapsis, infertility & IVF
Termination for Medical Reasons, Infertility, and Your First Birthday Your first birthday is this weekend my sweet Hadley Maeve. Or at...

Anonymous TFMR Mama
Feb 16, 20224 min read
TFMR - Termination for Occipital Encephalocele, donor egg IVF and no longer TTC after TFMR
At 13.5 weeks, after another scan, we did an announcement to family and friends and while not getting ahead of ourselves, we were...
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